Welcome to our Starship raider showcase, we invite you to step into the spotlight and share a little bit about your World of Warcraft journey! This is your chance to shine and let the community get to know you better. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, we want to hear your story.

Each week, our featured raider will have the opportunity to nominate another fellow raider from one of our 5 teams to be in the spotlight next. This is a great way for us to celebrate the diverse and talented individuals who make up our raiding community.

So, don't be shy! Share your experiences, your favorite moments, and what being a part of our raiding teams means to you. We can't wait to hear from you and learn more about the fantastic individuals who make our WoW community so special.

In this weeks Starship Raider SPOTLIGHT…


Name: Evria (Ev)

Class and Role: Too many to mention!

Location: Denmark

‘‘Hallo, I’m Evria, but you can call me Ev. First character in wow was a paladin, because they could do all the cool stuff and wear plate. A holy warrior is just cool! Though my irl friend told me not to play that, so I made a mage and played that till start of WOTLK, where I made a DK and tanked till the end of Ulduar on it, was great fun. In Ulduar I was playing with a guy who was an amazing paladin healer, which made me reroll to my original idea of paladin. Tanked ICC as paladin, which turned out to be fun. Continued tanking first tier of Cata, but then swapped to warlock and healing second season of cata on the paladin. Warlock became my “main” for several expansions afterwards, all the way up to BFA, where the paladin returned and I had a split between them. In Shadowlands I really only raided first season, as paladin tank, where I gave my tank spot to a friend to get him in the team. Dragonflight took off with trying a new class, hunter. Which I enjoyed tremendously. Did some early tier endgame but stopped a bit into second tier because of real life stuff. Came back late season 2 and joined Starship, which I do not regret. Joined Empire as dps demon hunter, but got asked to step in as a replacement tank. Today I’m still in Empire, and got to tank another tier, which I’m delighted for. This time as a blood death knight, which I haven’t played since WOTLK, a lot has changed. ‘‘

‘‘I found Starship a bit by chance, in their Sunday raids. Had joined another guild as mage for season 3, but the atmosphere and discord just pulled me in while doing that Sunday raid. So I jumped ship. No regrets here.’’

‘‘Favorite raid moment? Been a lot of good moments. But one still lives rent free in my head. Was tanking with a guy in Cata, the pvp weekly boss that drops tier pieces. I asked him to taunt the boss, to which he replied… “taunt? Let me find it in my spellbook”. Yes, he in fact did not have taunt on his bars. We ended up wiping, and laughing. Everyone thought it was funny as hell. To his defensive, he was normally a dps, so no hard feelings. ‘‘

‘‘In real life? I’m a man who lives in Denmark, Copenhagen. Been living in Sjaelland my entire life, with some brief visits to the outside world for some weekly stuff. Had a 3-week work exchange in London which was quite fun. Grew up in my young days doing gymnastic, the kind that is similar to Tumbling, but more the Danish version and not competitive. Miss those days, was great fun and I do love doing exercise. Have been dabbling in golfing for about a decade, because it’s fun and I had time where I worked in a club as a green keeper. Amazing work to do, because I like the outside and being in it. Video games is my hobby and my pastime. Mostly been playing MMO’s. But things like Planetside and Baldur’s Gate is also fun. Played EvE-Online for over 2 decades, which may or may not have affected me, that game can be amazing and cruel at the same time.’’

‘‘I’d like to nominate Count Morloch (Alexander). His an incredible guy and someone I enjoy playing with. Gives a lot to the community, but I want the community to know him more and better, because he truly is one heck of an awesome guy.’’


  • Misty - 9th September 2024

    ‘I started playing in TBC and my first max level character was an elemental shaman named Mistrias, and I’ve been ‘Misty’ ever since. I’ve enjoyed every expansion since then, with the exception of MoP. Whatever class I’m playing I can spend hours lost in studying gameplay and talent builds. If I’m AFK that’s probably what I’m doing … or eating … or a cat has me hostage.’’

    ‘‘The group content around M+ and raiding is what really hooks me in, especially progression raiding with a great team (For the Empire!). Zippy leading the dance, Matti’s calls for “Rally!!!” and the chaotic joy when the final boss goes down – it’s addictive! I’m usually aiming each season for at least AoTC and KSM.’’

    How did I find Starship? I’m still not quite sure what happened …

    ‘‘My guild was finished with the raid tier, and I was bored so looked up lfg and the next thing I know I’m part of an all-Monk run through Aberrus! Joined the discord voice channel so I could have some clue what was going on, and it was then, I realised, there was no going back!’’

    Standout experiences in game?

    ⦁ ‘Champion of the Naaru’ and ‘The Undying’ and ‘Salty’ titles!

    ⦁ Progging Icecrown Citadel for weeks and finally downing the Lich King! ( kind of miss 10-man raiding)

    ⦁ Met a cute resto druid one time in Dalaran – we’re still questing through life together 16 years later!

    Game philosophy: ‘I might not be the best, but I’m the best I can be’on goes here

  • Louie - 2nd September 2024

    ''I started playing in Cataclysm when I was a little kid without knowing English. I loved Pandaria the most, but stayed for Dragonflight, it was when I got fully into WOW as I had never done any endgame before and Starship was my first guild and it fit like a glove. I had just finished university so I had a lot of time on my hands, I got into 2 raid teams (at the time the only raid teams) Empire and Phoenix, both which I love to participate in.

    My favourite moment if I can name any single moment was to learn the game at the beginning by Das and Rawley through M+ grinding.

    Empire is like one of the all time greats yet even better in practically, no one does it quite like them, nothing beats the great atmosphere when the teams lock and loaded. Healers that keep the team together by a string, some mischievous people that try to get everyone killed, the people that try their luck at death rolling for profits, the people that eagerly and maliciously compete for the top DPS spot, the early bed timers, the earlier risers and lastly the people that say they will show up but don't - those are particularly the goats.

    Phoenix is like as if a raid team could feel like a well balanced and healthy family it is a great social experience through and through. All curated by Adam and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is a great deal of people from varies ages and experiences and it culminates in great Wednesday nights every week, it alone is worth a sub.''

  • Simon - 26th August 2024

    ‘‘I'm Simon! I've been raiding in wow since sometime in Wotlk, but no matter the guild, progress always seemed to halt after a few tiers, either burnout or people leaving in expansion lulls (MoP WoD especially). That seems to have changed with me joining (being indoctrinated) in Starship!

    Our glorious leader Adam is always on top of having a few raid teams available, which means anyone of any skill level has a chance to participate!

    Personally I prefer pushing the limits of whatever character I am playing, through extensive sims and friendly (consensual) DPS races, which is all the more fun due to the wonderful people of our community!’’

  • Rawley - 19 August 2024

    ‘‘ I'm Rawley, if you want any deeply personal and possibly uncomfortable information about me, join the Starship Community! i'll be the dumbest loudest one in whatever vc you join ;).

    I have been playing on and off since end of cataclysm/beginning of MOP. Was a solo player until i joined this community so all my organized (lmao) raiding moments are from DF.

    I'm part of the raiding teams Phoenix and Empire (pls don't kick me out Zippy and Adam).

    Other key info about me is probably that i will buy you a falafel and a wow token if it will be even mildly funny, i will beg anyone/Dave for a Falafel halfway through a raid fight, and i fucking love dwarfs!!! like their beards are so fluffy and their bellies are so nice and round!!! i want them carnally... also i want to be able to grow a beard like that irl... Luxx, wanna have a Falafel on Daves dime while we discuss Dwarf beards? you can cut this stuff out btw, i know you live in england, but Dave said he'll pay so idgaf. We can invite Matt and Misty too!!!! omg!!! i'm getting so excited see you guys soon!’’

  • Detrix - 12th August 2024

    “Hello there, it's your friendly neighborhood demon hunter checking in. I'll be honest I'm surprised I got nominated but nonetheless I am honored to represent Starship as its number one raider to be in the spotlight.

    I mostly play WoW for fun and helping others, so to see myself improve my skills and make it here is pretty cool. I've been playing WoW since legion (what a shocker) on and off between expansions, and I see myself continuing my journey to help and goof around..”